Coconut Coir Disks

Coconut coir disks are a carefully blended, potting soil mixture (completely tailored to your plants and situation if necessary). The coconut coir is dried and compressed into a compact disk, with a special hole for a plug where appropriate.

When hydrated, the disk swells up to produce the required potting soil mixture. All you need to do is place the disk in a container, and the water will do the rest. The disks are available in various sizes and can be tailored according to your specifications.​
Compression Ratio: 8:1
​Compressed Sizes:
2.5in Diameter x 0.98in Thick (7 cm Diameter x 2.5 cm Thick)
7in Diameter x 0.98in Thick (18 cm Diameter x 2.5 cm Thick)
Electrical Conductivity Levels: Low EC - fully washed

Did you know?
Did you know that Disks are great for potted plants? Just place one disk per pot, fill with water, and let it expand.